What is Wikiwig ?
Wikiwig is as free wiki (GPL) with wysiwyg features.
The main difference compared to other available Wiki (see
a simple visual comparaison) is that people who want to edit
pages of the wiki don't need to know a specific syntax based on
strange things like, for example, "[hello] #tagada".
It is very easy to create well formatted pages ( bold, italic,
links, images, attached documents...) : a rich text-editor loaded
in the Web browser ( compatible with IE5.5+, mozilla 1.3+, and firefox) will
do the job for you. Its name is Xinha , a free open source
project too.
Main features :
- Easy for anyone to modify each page of the wiki with little or no technical knowledge
- Rich wysiwyg editor (Xinha )
with : bold, italic, underlined, etc
- link editor : external and internal links
- image manager : upload, rotation, resize, crop, visual browsing...
- complex table editing
- html view
- html tidy (for copy-paste from msword for example)
- Conflict prevention system (lock) to avoid 2 authors editing the same page at the same time
- Automatic save dialog when quitting with changes pending
- Page and folder creation and deletion. Folder moving (pages in the future)
- multilingual interface (french, english, german and simplified chinese)
- simple automatic install on most hostings
- versioning (restoration via the web in v5.0)
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